Wednesday, January 6, 2010



Also I told you I would be searching for freebies right? Well I'll share them as I go so those of you who are also on a budget can get these great deals right along with me! So heres our first freebie! Now its nothing to jump up and down about, but how about a little help with the planning? How about an online wedding planner? I printed this off, saving me at least $20-$30 that they usually cost in stores. Even if you already have one, you may choose to print off certain pages and not even the whole book because it seriously is a useful planner, and has helpful workseets inside. Get yours free here!


Also here's something else that may help a little with your planning, post-it is giving away Post-it Tabs. These can come in handy so you can flip right to the page you need in your new planner!

Free Post-it Tabs

Were just getting started so keep checking back for more inspiration, DIY, and Freebies because there will be PLENTY more to come! Thanks to all who follow!

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